Computer Science and Software Engineering: Jacobs University and SIT Introduce Joint Master Program

Computer Science and Software Engineering is the career-oriented Master program that Jacobs University Bremen and its cooperation partner, the Swiss Schaffhausen Institute of Technology (SIT), will jointly offer in a hybrid format starting in the fall semester of 2022/23. The two-year Master of Science will cover knowledge from the fields of Computer Science and Software Engineering, as well as Business and Project Management. The application deadline for international applicants with a good knowledge of Computer Science is June 1, 2022.

Find the full press release here.

PhD Position in Machine Learning for Materials Design

A PhD position in Machine Learning is available in the group of Prof. Peter Zaspel at Jacobs University Bremen, Germany. The position is focused on the development of novel machine learning algorithms in context of molecular simulations for materials design. It is specifically embedded into the Priority Program SPP 2363 “Utilization and Development of Machine Learning for Molecular Applications – Molecular Machine Learning” funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The respective research will involve the further development of machine learning models and algorithms in an interdisciplinary application.

The group of Prof. Peter Zaspel is located at Jacobs University Bremen, a private, state-accredited, English-language research university. The research group focuses on machine learning, uncertainty quantification and high performance computing in context of applications from the natural sciences, engineering and beyond. For more details, see

This project is in close collaboration with the group of Prof. Ulrich Kleinekathöfer from the Physics Department at Jacobs University Bremen, whose group will contribute the materials design application (

A successful applicant is expected to have a Master’s degree in computer science, physics, mathematics, data science or similar discipline, strong analytical skills in context of machine learning and/or (computational) physics / (numerical) mathematics, excellent proficiency in a programming language (preferable Python or C/C++) and interest in developing novel machine learning methodologies for simulation applications. Experience in (numerical) simulation is an advantage. A good command of English is essential, both as the local working language and because of our international collaborations.

We offer a 3 year PhD position. It is funded under the DFG grant “Multi-fidelity, Active Learning Strategies for Exciton Transfer Among Adsorbed Molecules”. The salary will be paid in accordance with the Collective Agreement for the Public Service of the Federation (Tarifvertrag des öffentlichen Dienstes, TVöD Bund), with salary level 13 (100%). The place of employment will be Bremen, Germany.

The position is available immediately and applications will be considered until the position is filled. Applicants should submit a letter of motivation, a CV, copies of transcripts and optionally a copy of their MSc thesis together with the names of two referees by e-mail to Prof. Peter Zaspel at p.zaspel(at)

Women in the Digital Industry: The Long Road of Drishti Maharjan

It was a very emotional moment for her. After all, it was not only geographically a long way from Nepal to the stage in Dresden Drishti Maharjan stood on. In her school, she had often been the only girl to attend inclination courses in natural sciences. And now she accepted the prize for the 3rd place in the Zeiss Women Award 2021. A competition that honors outstanding female students in subjects such as computer science or computer engineering.

Find the full press release here.

PhD position in Machine Learning or Applied Mathematics at Jacobs University Bremen

A PhD position in Machine Learning or Applied Mathematics is available in the group of Prof. Peter Zaspel at Jacobs University Bremen, Germany. The position is focused on the development of novel machine learning techniques in context of a large- to extreme-scale biochemistry simulation for photosynthesis ( The respective research will involve the further development of kernel-based machine learning models (Kernel Ridge Regression, Gaussian Process Regression, etc.) towards multi-fidelity models and large-scale computations in an interdisciplinary application.

The group of Prof. Peter Zaspel is located at Jacobs University Bremen, a private, state-accredited, English-language research university. The research group focuses on machine learning, uncertainty quantification and high performance computing in context of applications from the natural sciences, engineering and beyond. For more details, see

This project is in close collaboration with the group of Prof. Ulrich Kleinekathöfer from the Physics Department at Jacobs University Bremen, whose group will contribute the biophysics simulation application (

A successful applicant is expected to have a Master’s degree in computer science, (applied) mathematics or similar discipline, strong analytical skills in context of machine learning and/or (numerical) mathematics, excellent proficiency in a programming language (preferable Python or C/C++) and interest in large-scale machine learning and computing applications. Experience in (numerical) simulation is an advantage. A good command of English is essential, both as the local working language and because of our international collaborations.

We offer a PhD position that is limited to 3 years. It is funded under the DFG grant “Excitation Energy Transfer in a Photosynthetic System with more than 100 Million Atoms”. The salary will be paid in accordance with the Collective Agreement for the Public Service of the Federation (Tarifvertrag des öffentlichen Dienstes, TVöD Bund), with salary level 13 (100%). The place of employment will be Bremen, Germany.

The position is available immediately and applications will be considered until the position is filled. Applicants should submit a CV, a brief statement of research interests, a copy of their MSc thesis, and the names of two referees by e-mail to Prof. Peter Zaspel at p.zaspel(at)

New professors and lecturers at Jacobs University

They teach and do research in different subject areas and come from different countries. All of them share a very similar motivation however: they want to teach and do research at an international, English-medium university, with students from over 100 nations and small learning groups. The team at Jacobs University Bremen is strengthened by a whole series of professors and university lecturers.

Find the full press release here.